Alright, y'all are gonna have to deal with the dumb name because I came up with it and I really like it. With that said here's how to make this DELICIOUS meat-less meal!
What you'll need:
Oyster mushrooms
(amount can vary depending on availability)
Still not confident foraging for these? No problem! Oyster mushrooms are typically available for purchase at specialty food markets (even Whole Foods!) and farmers markets across the US. You can even purchase a grow kit and watch your very own oyster mushrooms grow right on your kitchen counter!
1 Yellow Onion
Liquid Smoke
Smoked Paprika
Pork Rub Seasoning
Maple Syrup
Olive Oil
Barbecue Sauce
Step by Step:
Roughly slice up your oyster mushrooms to resemble pulled pork
Slice the yellow onion and set aside
Add 2 tablespoons of butter to a (cast iron preferred) medium sized pan on medium heat
Add your mushrooms and sauté on medium heat, stirring occasionally.
As the mushrooms cook, add in the onions, liquid smoke, smoked paprika, pork rub seasoning, salt, and pepper
Add olive oil as the mixture becomes dry, then add a table spoon of maple syrup
Once thoroughly cooked, add barbecue sauce and serve!
According to the US Department of Agriculture:
Here is just a glance at some of the nutritional content of 1 cup (86 grams) of raw P. ostreatus oyster mushrooms
Calories: 28
Carbs: 5 grams
Protein: 3 grams
Fat: <1 gram
Fiber: 2 grams
Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5): 22% of the DV
Potassium: 8% of the DV
Iron: 6% of the DV
Phosphorus: 8% of the DV
Zinc: 6% of the DV
+ Small Amounts Vitamin D and Selenium